Sci Phi Journal

This is my one hundredth post on this blog, and I am using it to highlight the publication that may be a turning point in my writing career.

The first issue of the Sci Phi Journal, a journal of science fiction and philosophy, is now available for purchase. I do not have any work published in this issue, but the opening of my second novel, Beyond the Mist, will be in the second issue (and given central billing) with more of it serialised across multiple issues.

I bought a copy of the first issue and its a very good and thought-provoking read, the editor has stated that he needs to sell 800 copies of each issue to be able to carry on with it past issue 3, so I would encourage anyone who enjoys science fiction and deep and rigorous thinking to buy a copy and evaluate for yourselves if this is the kind of publication you want to be supporting.

Using the amazon link below will mean part of the proceeds go towards the running costs of Theologyweb, a great online community that I have gained a lot from over the years:

It can also be purchased from smashwords:

Inspired by Twenty-Nine

Apologies for the delay, I was struck down by a strong cold. This is another in my old series ‘Thoughts Inspired by Psalms’, but instead of merely quoting it, this time I have transformed its main points into verse:

Inspired by Twenty-Nine

Beyond the sight of every land, o’er ocean dark and deep
The fiercest storm in history extends its mighty sweep
Waves soar up to the very sky, winds roar and screech and tear
Crests into swarms of spray and foam, lightning sears the air. Continue reading

100 followers and Beyond the Mist

Today I gained my 100th follower on this blog. I would like to thank you all for the encouragement that this milestone has given me, and also take the opportunity to share an exciting development that occurred a couple of weeks ago, the details of which are still being finalised.

I am happy to announce that the opening to my second novel BEYOND THE MIST has been accepted for publication in next month’s relaunch of the Sci Phi Journal, the journal of philosophy and science fiction. This means that I will have the honour of being published alongside the ever-awesome John. C. Wright, something I could not imagine happening three months ago. How much of the story will be published is not yet finalised, I will be sure to update you all here as soon as I know more.

This is a very exciting time for me, and I have a lot of work ahead, but the things that are really worth doing are never easy, are they?

Update: The opening of the story will be published in the second issue of the magazine coming out a month later and will have centre billing in that issue, with more of the story being spread across multiple issues as a serial.