He Knew, and Yet…

He knew we would betray Him,
He knew we would rebel,
He knew we’d turn this good, green Earth into a living hell.

He knew our vicious natures,
Our lusts to mar and maim,
And how we’d mock and sneer at Him as He died in pain.

And yet He came down to this world
As a weak and helpless babe
To give new hope to all mankind, our souls to cleanse and save.

So when you look within your heart
And find so much that’s wrong,
Remember that he paid the price so you could become strong

In faithfulness and mercy, joy,
Peace and self-control,
Kindness, gentleness and love that heals your very soul.

This joyous day, the tides all turned,
The Devil’s schemes all crashed and burned,
And purity revealed its power to make our spirits whole.