Doctor to Dragons is Launched

A new hilarious collection of short stories by G.Scott Huggins (which I edited) has been released today by Superversive Press:

The Dark Lord’s favorite dragon is constipated. Dr. James DeGrande, veterinarian and orc-slayer, is going to have to deal with it.

This one could get messy.

“Everyone says it was better in the Good Old Days. Before the Dark Lord covered the land in His Second Darkness.

As far as I can tell, it wasn’t that much better. Even then, everyone cheered the heroes who rode unicorns into combat against dragons, but no one ever remembered who treated the unicorns’ phosphine burns afterward. Of course, that was when dragons were something to be killed. Today I have to save one. Know what fewmets are? No? Then make a sacrifice of thanks right now to whatever gods you worship, because today I have to figure a way to get them flowing back out of the Dark Lord’s favorite dragon. Yeah, from the other end. And that’s just my most illustrious client. I’ve got orcs and trolls who might eat me and dark elf barons who might sue me if their bloodhawks and chimeras don’t pull through. And that doesn’t even consider the possibility that the old bag with the basilisk might show up.

The only thing that’s gone right this evening is finding Harriet to be my veterinary assistant. She’s almost a witch, which just might save us both. If we don’t get each other killed first.”

If that wasn’t enough, here is a promotional video (thought up during a sleep-deprived creative frenzy) that inflicts my vocal stylings upon your ears, and I must warn you it shall not be the last such torture to accompany a book launch, so be afraid!

Click the image below to grab the book for yourself.

The paperback version can be found here

For those of you who want to subject yourself to the full song, see below:

Kindle Countdown deal on Beyond the Mist

A new kindle countdown deal on Beyond the Mist started today and will run until Monday. The ebook can be picked up for 99 cents at

At the same time, the price in the amazon india territory has been reduced to 49 INR, the lowest price that amazon will allow. Please spread the word and take the splash if you haven’t yet.

An Easter Vision

On this special day, I’d like to share a brief vision I had a number of years ago, that ties in with and illustrates the message of Romans chapter 6.

In it Jesus was hanging on the cross. I ran over to him and embraced him as he hung there.

A voice behind me said, “You want to identify with this disgrace? Fine.”

A long metal spike was hammered into my back, piercing through my heart, through Christ’s body and into the cross, pinning me there, and we both died.

I woke up in the tomb next to Him, He helped me to my feet and we walked into the sunshine together.

He turned to me and smiled. “You have died with me, you have been raised with me. Now live like it.”