When truth is viewed as treachery

When truth is viewed as treachery,
Integrity as vice,
And beauty as debauchery,
That’s when a nation dies.

When mercy is a hateful thing,
And power is all they crave,
The paradise they hope to bring
Is but an open grave.

And so we strive in our small works
To furnish, among other perks,
Young minds with beauty, wit and charm,
The faithful in this way to arm

Against the waves of hellish thoughts
Proclaimed in foul corrupted courts
That seek to undermine all hope
And glamourize the hangman’s rope.

So strengthened, they will dare to stand
And build great things upon the land,
Inspire others to the cause
That’s guided by such higher laws.

Thus day by day and heart by heart
We all must play our little part
In the greatest of all symphonies,
Most glorious of mysteries,

Whose notes are holy purity,
Resounding to eternity;
Uplift, inspire, make whole and strong,
And join in the Creator’s song.

CLFA Book of the Year Voting is Open

Conservative Libertarian Alliance Book of the YearThe Conservative Libertarian Fiction Alliance has released its ten finalists for book of the year. In a very strong year, featuring outstanding works by some great authors, sadly Beyond the Mist finished just outside the top ten in the initial nomination phase, so cannot be voted for.

The nominations are in and counted, and the CLFA is thrilled to present our ten finalists for the CLFA Book of the Year 2017!

Beginning in January 2017, CLFA members have been hard at work, compiling a list of our favorite 2016 releases. We ran several rounds of voting to refine the list to the top ten in the survey. For the final winner, we always open up voting to the public.

To be eligible, books must be fiction of any genre and of novel length (50k words or more), initially published in any form (print, digital, or audio) during the calendar year 2016. Books may be an indie, traditional, or anything-in-between publication.

Voting is open until midnight on March 31, 2017. Winners to be announced in April 2017. Have at it!


You can still support Beyond the Mist (or any of my other works) in other ways by telling other people about it, submitting a review on Amazon, or trying out one of my other books that you haven’t read yet.